
Kick-off meeting 6th and 7th June, Florence, Italy


Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - CNR - Largo Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy


Thursday, 6th June

   Participants present their activities to the Stakeholders
9:20-9:30:INRIM: C. Clivati & G. Santambrogio
9:35-9:45:GUM: M. Chomski
9:50-10:00:OBSPARIS: M. Abgrall
10:05-10:15:VSL: E. Dierikx
10:20-10:30:AU: M. Drewsen
10:35-10:45:CNR: S. Borri & A. Ciamei
10:50-11:00:CNRS: B. Darquié
11:05-11:30:Coffee break
11:30-11:40:HHUD: C. Wellers
11:45-11:55:UMK: P. Wcislo
12:00-12:10:VU: W. Ubachs
12:15-12:25:ETHZ: F. Merkt & G. Scalari
12:30-12:40:IC: J. Rodewald
12:45-12:55:METAS: D. Husmann
13:00-13:10:UNIBAS: M. Diouf
13:15-15:00:Lunch and discussion
15:00-16:00:G. Santambrogio: bureaucratic stuff, rules, requirements, deadlines, and various non-scientific issues
   Science afternoon
16:00-16:30:G. Roati: Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms
16:40-17:10:C. Toninelli: Organic Molecules for Quantum Technologies
17:20-17:40:Coffee break
17:40-18:10:C. Sias: Orientational melting and metastable states in two-dimensional Coulomb crystals
18:20-18:50:G. Modugno: Supersolids

Friday, 7th June

   WP-leaders introduce their WPs
9:00-9:10:WP1 Calculable systems: W. Ubachs
9:15-9:25:WP2 Non-calculable systems: B. Darquié
9:30-9:40:WP3 Lasers: G. Scalari
9:45-9:55:WP4 Links: E. Dierikx
10:00-10:10:WP5 Impact: M. Abgrall
10:15-10:25:WP6 Management: G. Santambrogio
10:30-11:00:Coffee break
11:00-12:30:Discussion: Plan visits to other participants, collect ideas for the workshop at the end of the project...
15:00-19:00:Optional: Visit to the labs at LENS in Sesto Fiorentino
Page last modified on June 06, 2024, at 08:44 pm
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